Technical instruction

Want to learn something new?

Take one of our group courses for adults or kids.

Professional development for adults and youth

Learning can be fun. Whether you want to learn how to program a microchip, expand your creativity, learn woodwork or even learn how to make a cake, we have lots of courses available for you to take in order to expand yourself as a student in the wonderful world of inventing and making. Makers are usually interdisciplinary problem solvers who attack problems proactively with their hands instead of using the pen and paper. We offer apprenticeships in all areas that are designed to bring out the manual maker in you.

Let one of our qualified instructors teach you to do just about anything. Or take the basics with us and find your own way. We have solutions for almost any level you want to achieve.

Our MIY shop structure allows you to get a “hands on” approach to learning. We have full course materials and each course is carefully planned to give you the best learning experience we can think of. Come in to see what courses we have to offer or send us an email with a request and we will find the right instructor or course for you.

We offer workshops that are designed to challange your MAKER skills

Learn how to print and press your own t-shirts, learn how to control your appliances with an Arduino, learn how to make your workflow more efficient with Solidworks, learn how to program an App for an android phone, learn how to carve your face into wood, and many more topics are available just drop us a line and let us know what you want to learn

Why not take one of our MIY workshops?