Woodworking & carpentry level 1

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Woodworking and carpentry level 1 MIYWOD101

Woodworking and carpentry course level 1

Reference: MIYWOD101
Age: 12- 99 yrs.
Objective: This is our introductory course on woodworking, perfect for the beginner or the hobbyist just looking for a new hobby. This will explain basic tools and basic concepts in woodworking.

 Prerequisite: No prerequisite
Duration: 2-3h course & 2-3h self-work
Dates: On demand Tuesday to Saturday
Instructors: Team Miy MakerSpace et extern
Cost: 300.- HT materials not included
Group: 200/p (min 5)

What you can expect to learn during this introductory woodworking course

In this introductory Carpentry course, we can help you to develop your woodcraft skills, learning how to cut, decorate, assemble, and finish, perfect for those looking to get hands on practical experience.

You’ll be taught about woods and how their grain affects the project and the tools. You will also learn about techniques that can save a lot of time or simultaneous work that can save you from overexerting when you make your projects. This course is ideal for beginners as it starts from the beginning and works its way up to an advanced level.

Following a tailor designed course, you will be guided through how to: Identify different tools and what their perfect use is. Understand about the need of health and safety in a workshop and the precautions to take to minimise risk to yourself or others. Use the tools to cut material into correct lengths. Learn how to incorporate digital technology to add computer-controlled designs to your item. And learn how to successfully assemble your items and fix them securely.

The skills in which you will acquire in this course give you the skills that allow you to be able to work in R2D and do basic projects out of wood like cutting boards, small boxes, gift boxes and other basic two-dimensional construction projects out of wood.



carpentry and woodworking course

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About the equipment used in this course

This course will you be using conventional hand tools and basic equipment for carpentry and woodwork. You will start from the basics using hand tools and eventually in the later courses work up to sync milling machines and power tools. You’ll be using saws, hammers, chisels, planners, presses and the other conventional carpentry tools that are available within our workshop.


You will also be introduced to power tools such as the miter saw which allows you to cut with precision and add angles to any conception, but you decide to do. In advanced courses routers an electric cleaners will be added to make the workflow a lot easier. This is a basic course so expect to use basic tools that give you the basics that you can build on throughout the years. This equipment will be supplied to you here as well as safety equipment and everything you need to build your practice projects that will be introduced in the first session of this course.


MiY MakerSpace equipment used for this course.

Machines/technologies:  general hand tools, small electric tools, woodworking tools, hammers and chisels, and presses. Later courses will include power tools, time permitted.
Software and support: this is a manual course so there’s not much software and all the support will be on paper delivered to you in printed format.
Options: depending on our projects many options are available depending on what interests you



Woodworking Course syllabus and Instruction method

  • Introductory course of security and workshop tour
  • Presentation of the material
  • basic use of hand tools.
  • The advanced use of hand tools
  • Sharpening and maintenance of cutting tools.
  • Projects will be introduced and chosen to develop our skills.
  • Hands-on personal exercises with coaching
  • Conclusion and follow-up


Instruction method:
Live lectures with our team of engineers
You will be using real machines and real technologies used in industries.
Support, Instruction, and procedure are also included on paper.
See our agenda or contact us for reservations or for more details for our other woodworking courses.


Les menuiseries de base nécessitent quelques outils simples

Réservez votre cours dès aujourd’hui et apprenez le travail du bois



Our advice

Because woodworking can be dangerous and dirty, we recommend that you wear old clothes or work clothes especially designed for the project at hand. We have all the security equipment like goggles that protect your eyes, gloves that protect your hands, and any first aid equipment in case a problem arises. For the longer courses it’s a good idea to bring lunch if you’ll be staying the day.



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