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Companies use AI to prevent and detect online fraud, money laundering, and other crimes that may happen on social media, websites, and so on.

But can AIs commit crime in the future?

As we all know, AI from the meaning itself, Artificial Intelligence, gives a machine a freedom to do things, and decide what they want to do.

We heard a lot of possible inventions in the future that AI may become the judge of justice soon. AI could decide whether the plaintiff or the suspect wins.

It simply means, AI will determine who commits the crime, or the suspect is not guilty of a crime. Giving the AI the privilege to decide the fate of humans is scary. How much more if they become free from all the decisions and they are capable of moving things around?

Creating machines will use programming languages that will allow a thing to work. Just like a simple coding of “if X is not equal to Y, then X will remove Z”. Computer programmers can definitely code separating the bad judgment to good judgment. The bad works from good works. The reading of pulse to detect lies and truth. The thing is, it could go wrong since machines has this Artificial Intelligence.

Another vision that you may think of, what if someone will create a human robot. We all know Sophia, the humanoid robot, was already created. They are capable of moving around, they can speak for themselves. And answers your questions in a way they would like to answer.

In an interview which was written in insider.com, Sophia the robot straightly said, “she would destroy humans”. What if those words are truly what is in the mind of the humanoid robot? To destroy humans?

The world is changing and innovating. Aside from Sophia, another robot was created which was a simple cat-walking robot upgraded recently to a parkouring robot. It is scary that a robot can move faster now. Imagine that they can charge themselves if they find they are battery low. Able to create a machine for themselves to sustain their lives? And decide what to do in this world.

If you ask me if AI robots can commit crime, I can say it’s possible. And I hope those people who will create the future humanoids will find a way to turn the humanoids off immediately, first, before upgrading them to very human-like ones.